
Thanksgiving Grief

For those waking today with heavy hearts because you’re in a season of grief, it’s ok to not want to celebrate like the the rest of the world. Jesus knows full well that you are grateful but your heart is broken.
He doesn’t expect you to ignore it, rise above it, or shove it under the rug. He never once instructed us to ignore our present reality with some sort of pretend super power faith.
He lets us know He is near the broken-hearted and in that alone we can be thankful.
Thankful that He still bottles tears
Thankful that He knows every fear
Thankful that in times of great need
Christ is ready to comfort thee.
Thankful that He is mindful of man
Thankful that He does still have a plan
Thankful that every pain is sure seen
And you can just rest under His wings.
Thankful when blows a refreshing rain
Thankful for the power in His name
Thankful that when the anguish is rough
Christ will prove to still be enough.
As you struggle through the day, close your eyes when you need to and catch a glimpse of the seat that Jesus sits in. It may be right next to yours making sure you know He is holding your hand.                – Shelly Wilson

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Get Real!

On the same day Jesus rose from the grave He appeared to the apostles.  He spoke peace to them and then showed them His hands and His side. This was not only the visible proof that He was the One they had committed their lives to, but the showing of His hands and side has far more greater meaning to us.  

Recently I smashed the ends of my fingers on both hands. My fingernails have turned black and ugly from the injury. The painful incident and my startling reaction to it was so traumatic that I have shared it with many people. I’ve shared the story because I witnessed God help me in that moment of pain. I was manually pulling down a garage door and my fingers got caught between where two panels come together. I couldn’t pull my fingers out and I couldn’t lift the door back up. The pain was severe and I didn’t care who heard me yelling in pain.  But I know it was God who quickened me to kick the door up with my foot, releasing my fingers.  I’ve shared this story because in my personal trauma, God was with me. Many times we are quick to share our physical wounds with others, but not so quick to show the wounds on the inside. Most of the time we don’t want people to know about the wounds of our hearts and minds, but when we do, something happens to whoever is listening. They are relieved to know you are real and can relate to what they maybe going through. Those disciples must have felt so alone and discouraged until Jesus appeared and showed them His wounds.  When was the last time you got real with someone like Jesus did and showed them your wounds? What about the wounds on the inside? Jesus showed His wounds and the disciples were glad and believed in Him. Don’t be afraid to show people the healed wounds in your life.  It just may bring the healing to them they need.

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